Background Image of a River


Data Servers

getBounds | Spatial Solutions for the Web

getBounds provides geospatial consulting services for data analysis and visualization, using tools such as PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Mapbox GL & MapLibre, and React/Next JS, as well as custom web development.
getBounds provides geospatial consulting services for data analysis and visualization, using tools such as PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Mapbox GL & MapLibre, and React/Next JS, as well as custom web development.
Leaflet JS Logo Mapbox Logo QGIS Logo OpenLayers Logo PostgreSQL Logo
Looking for a web map developer? I have experinece building web maps in both React and Vanilla JS with Leaflet, Mapbox, MapLibre and OpenLayers, print maps with ArcMap/Pro and QGIS, setting up data pipelines and backends with PostgreSQL/PostGIS, and deploying production applications with Docker.

Have a project idea or need help with an existing web map or GIS project? Send me a short description of you project idea and let's get started.